Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Assalamualaikum and greeting to all my friends,

I have been very very busy lately as I left with no
maid...so handicap, very handicap however i am not complaining although fell
very tired.
Remember, when you feel good, you will start to
look good.
Dress up whenever you are out
Drink plenty of water and remember eat healthy food such as vegetables, fish, fruit,
and whole grains in your diet, that will keep your skin glowing.
Smelling good is always attractive! Spray any fragrance that suits your body , you will feel top of the
world and confident.
Remember, a good attitude is key. Being 'pretty' or
being 'the sexiest homecoming queen' is not the main object of life. When you
have confidence, you show to
others and yourself that you don't need makeup to be beautiful. Being beautiful on the
inside is what matters.
Smile , smile from your heart, smile with your eyes.
Natural make up is so much more beautiful and glamorous than looking
like you've tried too hard and are going out to a dance club.
Chew minty gum and carry mints in your purse or pocket to avoid bad
Always apply hand lotion before going out from your car. I always do

Lastly, ladies...never lose hope, never give up, don’t look back and
always remember being beautiful is easy and simple.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Assalamualaikum kawan kawan yang di kasihi...
Tiap kali sesiapa jumpa saya mesti orang kata , kulit u putih lah, mengapa bertambah putih dan mcm2 lah berkaitan dengan putih. Saya tiada rahsia Cuma kerja kuat aje...atau memang dah di lahirkan begini.

Dari dulu sampai sekarang saya memang menitikberat tentang penjagaan kulit. Setiap pagi dan malam 3 full step memang wajib, 2 kali seminggu pakai mask (home treatment) dan sebulan sekali facial treatment kat saloon.

Kulit yang sihat dan cantik menjadi kegilaan orang sekarang ini. Siapa yang tidak hendak kulit yang putih licin bercahaya tanpa jerawat dan parut.
Kulit yang sihat tidak terlalu berminyak dan tidak pula terlalu kering. Kalau kulit terlalu berminyak, ia akan mudah tumbuh jerawat. Kalau kulit terlalu kering, ia akan menyebabkan kulit cepat berkedut dan kalau terlalu lama terdedah kepada cahaya matahri tanpa memakai sunblock terjadilah jeragat.

Carrots are the best. Looking healthy and starts to glow.
Grapes can also help keep middle-aged skin from sagging improve skin’s elasticity by strengthening collagen.

1. Use sun protection. You've probably heard it plenty of times before, but prevention is easier than the cure. Wear sunscreen, a hat. Spf 50

2.Wash your face and body every day. Wash your face once when you wake up and once at night before you go to bed.

3 Use acne medication. This applies to anyone who gets blemishes or pimples, severe or no, who wants them gone. A lot of people have found success in products that have salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide.

4.Moisturize. When looking for a face moisturizer, make sure it says noncomedogenic or oil free. This means it will not block your pores and cause break outs. (a lot of reliable brand out there)

5. Exfoliate. At least once a week for body . For your face, try to keep exfoliation to two times at the most. Make sure you moisturize after you exfoliate

6.Eat well. Fruits, veggies, you know it very well . Please avoid oily food

7.Exercise. Do any movement. Do it for 30 min a day. (this is difficult)
Drink water. at least 8 glasses a day of water. You need to keep your body hydrated.