Tuesday, June 7, 2011

EAT for health and beauty

its not an easy topic cause i personally susah nak ikut however for all reading pleasure and for me to follow too....Vitamins A,C, E are antioxidants which protect body cells from damage.

First of all, no 1 rule is EAT MORE SLOWLY

it takes at least 20minutes for your stomach to signal your brain.

-avoid steak(meat) eat fish instead. fish is high in omega-3 so its very healthy

-reduce your salt in your cooking.

-Vit A: milk, butter , cheese( yes very yummy but over eating is damaging too) Its good for skin and bone growth , tissue repair( example:scar recover faster)

-eat food that contains vit C such as citrus fruits, brocolli, green vegetables. It is good for healthy skin

-eat food that contains vit E such as seed, nuts, egg, oats and cereal. Also for healthy skin, blood circulation and maintaining cells

-drink plenty of water. our body loses about 2-3 litres of water daily. Please remember not coffee or tea or any juices...just plain water, like always mentioned we need to drink at least 8 glassess of water to keep your body well hydrated.

-besides plain water, choose carrot juice or tomato juice. Its contains high supply of antioxidants.

Whatever it is , ladies and gentlemen beside eating well and balance diet. Please have sufficient sleep. After a long day at work , have a warm shower, wear loose pyjamas and have a better quality of sleep and wake up more rested and refreshed . Sleep in a dark, quiet room and right temperature....zzz

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