what is your GOAL?
My goal is to have glow, healthy skin . I would love to share with allof you my normal routine pertaining to maintin good skin.

I cleanse my face 3 times a day, facial treatment once a week . (proper with mask, vitamins and serum) Always use sun block SPF40 or 50 with UVA ,UVB. Never fail to use eye cream and serum or essense before you go to bed.
-always use facial sponge (altho your hand n finger is clean)
-use intelligent skincare product (not necessary is expensive or branded)
-sleep early and wake up early in the morning and exercise your face (by smiling)
-never leave home without using sunblock
when you are beautiful you are more confident of yourself regardless at home or at work. Other will pay attention to you more ...
Some people may be jealous of you , but dont bother!
*to take care of yourself and having newborn its not easy, trust me I trully understand but never give up ,never lose hope. Find time when your baby is sleeping. Quickly wear mask and have a nap for 10min.
NEXT TOPIC: quick make over tips for busy mother...
love ,hug and kisses,
natty mn
thanks utk info berguna :)