Tuesday, December 20, 2011



Beberapa hari lagi habis bulan disember, saya melihat calendar sepanjang tahun 2011, apa yang telah saya lakukan, apa yang telah saya kecapi dan apa yang saya ketinggalan...

Alhamdulillah ...banyak yang telah saya kecapi, dari segi kerjaya,rezeki saya Alhamdulillah...banyak yang telah saya merealisasikan. Nasihat saya pada semua ,kalau boleh jangan berhenti dari bekerja,khidmat,minda ,akal kita banyak boleh kita beri pada masyarakat. Dapat duit sendiri SYOKnya berbeza dari suami beri. Sebab itu saya teruskan business saya, masa saya berisi ,saya keluar masuk rumah, turun naik KL, distress kat Pavillion/KLCC dan dapat travel jauh. Kerja mengajar ni satu fardu kifayah ...ameeen .

Anak anak, banyak dugaan, yang kecil perlukan perhatian , yang remaja perlu di perhatikan , suami , Alhamdulillah mempunyai seorang yang perihatin, bertanggungjawab dan of course sentiasa banyak komen.... . Kawan kawan, banyak mengajar erti kehidupan, kawan menangis susah nak cari , kawan ketawa berlambak lambak. Kawan glamour ,kaki bergaya pun ramai juga... .Saya gembira ,ramai yang menyayangi diri ini ,walaupun saya tahu ada juga yang tak suka saya, (jeles lah tu) selagi saya tak menyakiti orang lain tiada sebab mereka tak suka saya kan.

Tiap tiap tahun saya berdepan dengan dugaan yang berbeza dan saya hadapinya dengan tabah insyallah, Azam tahun baru 2012 ni , I want to be a successful corporate figure, a caring mother and a loving wife.

My wish list for 2012terlalu banyak....one thing for sure, saya yakin saya akan dapat, cause saya berpegang pada prinsip "WINNERS NEVER QUIT, QUITTERS NEVER WIN"

To all my loving friends....i love you all so much, thank you for being my friend, we will celebrate it together insyallah next year....

Salam maal hijrah, happy new year 2012

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Anakku Khriz (ahmad mukhriz bin nazary) buah hati pengarang jantung mama, manja mama segalanya mama lah....lahirnya pada 10 mac 2010 dalam jam 9 am, dengan berat 3.5kg. Doa ku semoga kesayangan saya ini menjadi anak yang soleh, bijak, berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Susu badan selama 1tahun 3 bulan, selepas tu campur formula milk dan sekarang susu lembu sahaja....(frisolac gold 3)

Khriz memang sangat pandai bergaya. Selalunya kanak2 adalah paling seronok menyambut hari raya sebab dapat pakai baju raya yang cantik2 , bergaya sini dan sana, tapi tidak bagi Khriz....setiap hari mesti nak bergaya.

bila mandi mesti nak nak pakai seluar jeans dan t.shirt yang cantik/iron and baju jalan, mesti nak segak, siap dengan baby lotion , powder dan minyak wangi /baby mist lagi bagi pelengkap diri. Warna kegemaran Khriz ialah merah, memang memukau.

Kalau duduk ada style dia, jalan style lain , posing lagilah lain siap suka buat " enshem face" lagi.

Sekarang Khriz berusia 1 tahun 9 bulan dia sentiasa cergas dan aktif. Sarapan pagi susu dengan roti with cheese and butter, lunch nasi wit sup tahu, sup ayam , dinner nasi carrot. Makanan kegemaran ialah yogurt setiap hari at 10am mesti nak yougurt, now dah tukar cereal . Selain tu spagetti memang Khriz gemar sgt makan.

Sekarang setiap hari perangai berubah , pagi tadi selepas mandi , pakai baju cantik terus nak pakai sandal croc dia dan jalan2 buat inspection satu taman. Lepas tu nak buang semua diaper dia....yagng baru pulak tu...tak tahu lah malam tadi mimpi diaper tu semua kotor agaknya.

Walaubagaimanapun mama love you very much

hug ,kisses always,


expressing myself

Expressing myself...

Salam sejahtera buat semua , how quick time flies kan, hope everyone is doing great...

2012 sudah hampir tiba....dalam sebulan aje, apa yang telah kita kecapi, adakah kita berpuas hati, azam tercapaikah sudah ....masih ada 30hari lagi (masih belum terlambat)
Ada yang nak masuk 20an, ada yang 30an dan ada yang 40an....
Bagi yang 20an, keep up with your basic skincare, 3 basic step....manjakan diri ke saloon atau spa sebulan sekali.
Apabila umur anda telah menjangkau 30an ketahuilah bahawa anda digalakkan menggunakan pelembap yang sesuai dengan umur anda. Ini adalah untuk keanjalan dan kelembapan kulit anda yang semakin berkurangan. Saya nasihatkan pakailah sun blok setiap masa , selepas mandi, nak jemur baju, nak masak, nak shopping malah tengok tv pun pakailah sunblok.
Bagi yang nak masuk 40an....haaaa mcm sayalah...lagi macam macam kena jaga maklumlah mcm2 ada!!!!

Yang penting SAYANGI DIRI ANDA....bila anda sayangi diri anda, orang sekeliling pun menyayangi anda...adik, kakak, kawan, rakan sekerja dan paling penting suami kita...

Buat suami:
Apabila makan masakan isteri, Puji-pujilah sikit masakannya itu. Pujian boleh menghilangkan penat memasak, maka tambah rajinlah isteri untuk memasak lagi dan lagi, insyaAllah.
Isteri/ wanita semuanya sememangnya cantik dan ada kelebihannya tersendiri, jadi pujilah isterimu. (semua perempuan memang suka di puji, pujilah dengan ikhlas)
Hargai isteri yang sanggup tahan dengan mood suami...kejap up kejap down
Hargai isteri yang menjaga anak anak yang bermacam ragam, kalau 10 org 10 perangai....kalau computer tu senang programme je....

Walau bagaimanapun , my dearest friends.... as I tell myself ...let’s all think positive, exercise daily, eat healthy, work smart not hard, stay strong, stay pretty, stay young in heart, build faith, be happy, smile more often not laugh more often nanti invite fine lines and wrinkles pulak.....


Sunday, October 30, 2011


Dedicated to all my friends....

Everyone wants to look fresh and young these days...always remember being beautiful is easy and simple

Stress does cause early ageing and it can’t be avoided these days. Even men are not that far behind as far as looking young is concerned. Men these days take extra care to make sure that they look fresh every morning while leaving for office. For this they visit SALOON and SPA'S every MONTH. So ,ladies.....wake up, take extra care than men

There are many anti-ageing products available in the market which promises to remove ten years off your face. However very few can be trusted and that too don’t give complete results.

However looking young is not an overnight process and is not as simple as washing your hair and brushing your teeth. IT TAKES LOTSS OF HARD WORK AND DETERMINATION (bukan cakap aje tapi takde usaha)

Here are some steps that might help you in looking younger than your age:

Sleep Well: A good night’s sleep is extremely important for every person. At least 7-8 hours sleep is a must because the muscles in our body need rest to recover and grow. Before going to bed make sure you apply necessary cream or serum to your face. Lack of sleep causes dark circles which are in turn signs of ageing.

Maintain a Good Diet: Maintaining healthy eating habits ensures that you get proper nutrition. Plenty of fruits, fresh green vegetables and fish should be included in the diet. Also 4-5 liters of water is recomended. Ini susah sikit , saya sendiri masih nak disiplinkan diri....

Smoking and Drinking should be Avoided: Smoking causes constriction of capillaries on the face and many more .

Balance Exercising and Eating: If you are a little overweight and have decided to loose weight by exercising and dieting, never ever go on a crash diet ,just skip meals and eating less. Ini lagi satu susah sebab saya sendiri suka makan kek....

Protect yourself against the sun and UV Rays: Extra care should be taken to protect the skin from harmful ultra violet rays as the harmful radiations coming from the sun can damage your skin. Never leave home without sunblock, even if you are watching TV ,please do apply sunblock. I make this as practise long long time ago , so it is easy and simple.

Last but not least , you must be happy , sincere and honest ...real beauty is from your heart.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

mari belajar bersama

mari belajar bersama, khas untuk semua wanita yang suka akan dunia kecantikan, salon owners, beautician , aesthetician dan juga bakal2 pemilik salon....sekiranya berminat boleh hubungi UTM atau saya sendiri 019-2124799

Friday, July 1, 2011


di usia begini mest anda sibuk dengan tugas harian... bekerja, menjaga bayi, hantar /jemput anak ke sekolah, pergi shopping ,mengahdiri majlis dan sebagainya.

Jangan sekali kali anda mengabai kan imej, gaya solekan dan penampilan (grooming)
-wajah perlu di solek walaupun hanya menggunakan lip gloss
-dandanan rambut yang kemas
- atau tudung yang simple, warna mesti terang, kurangkan aksesori tudung

kesihatan juga perlu dijaga/ BEAUTY COME FROM HEALTY SKIN

-minum air secukupnya (8 gelas atau lebih) untuk kelembapan kulit
-lakukan facial sekurang kurangnya sebulan sekali
-rawatan rambut , sebulan sekali juga
-senaman yang simple2. sekiranya tiada masa memadai dengan menyapu rumah, mop rumah , basuh kereta ...
-rawatan spa, contoh skrub badan, urut badan , ini elok untuk peredaran darah dan kebersihan kulit.


kesegaran tubuh badan juga amat penting. Malah harus diutamakan. Pilihlah minyak wangi yang serasi dengan badan anda, jangan terlalu kuat sampai sakit hidung orang lain. pilihlah base citrus/ buah buahan ... , diikuti losyen badan . Cuba sedikit dahulu , biasanya ramai wanita alah dengan losyen yang ada bauan/wangian.

#bau minyak wangi akan berubah mengikut keadaan persekitaran, cth di tempat panas atau di tempat sejuk (berhawa dingin)
setiap individu berbeza bau badannya , bergantung pada faktor kulit anda, gaya kehidupan , pemakanan .

-belakan telinga
-lurah dada
-belakang lutut
-buku lali

*untuk mendapatkan bau yang hebat, sembur 1 jam awal dan selepas bersiap hendak keluar rumah semburlah sekali lagi.... hmm.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

EAT for health and beauty

its not an easy topic cause i personally susah nak ikut however for all reading pleasure and for me to follow too....Vitamins A,C, E are antioxidants which protect body cells from damage.

First of all, no 1 rule is EAT MORE SLOWLY

it takes at least 20minutes for your stomach to signal your brain.

-avoid steak(meat) eat fish instead. fish is high in omega-3 so its very healthy

-reduce your salt in your cooking.

-Vit A: milk, butter , cheese( yes very yummy but over eating is damaging too) Its good for skin and bone growth , tissue repair( example:scar recover faster)

-eat food that contains vit C such as citrus fruits, brocolli, green vegetables. It is good for healthy skin

-eat food that contains vit E such as seed, nuts, egg, oats and cereal. Also for healthy skin, blood circulation and maintaining cells

-drink plenty of water. our body loses about 2-3 litres of water daily. Please remember not coffee or tea or any juices...just plain water, like always mentioned we need to drink at least 8 glassess of water to keep your body well hydrated.

-besides plain water, choose carrot juice or tomato juice. Its contains high supply of antioxidants.

Whatever it is , ladies and gentlemen beside eating well and balance diet. Please have sufficient sleep. After a long day at work , have a warm shower, wear loose pyjamas and have a better quality of sleep and wake up more rested and refreshed . Sleep in a dark, quiet room and right temperature....zzz


Kecantikan seorang wanita bukan hanya diukur kepada rupa paras , kesihatan juga merupakan faktor yang penting. Jiwa , hati yang tenan juga memainkan peranan yang amat penting. Secara tidak langsung seri luaran dan dalamam akan terserlah...

Setiap wanita memang mengidamkan wajah yang cantik dan berseri. Wanita juga ingin kelihatan menarik sepanjang masa, kelihatan muda dan anggun.

Selain dari membuat facial sebulan sekali, wanita juga perlu memakai masker sekurang-kurangnya seminggu 3 kali di rumah.

Kini ada perkhidmatan yang amat berkesan untuk jangkamasa yg panjang. Hanya doktor yang bertauliah sahaja boleh membuat prosedur ini. Ini adalah kerana ia merupakan rawatan kosmetik medikal. Bahan bahan yang digunakan pula telah disahkan halal ,selamat dan diperakui oleh US FDA.

merupakan sejenis protein yang telah di proses daripada sejenis organisma untuk merehatkan otot otot, mengurangkan kedutan pada wajah.

Kelebihan BTA:
-memberi kesan "chemical facelift"
-meratakan kedutan di dahi, frown lines dan crow feet
-menghilankan laughing line
-membuat bulu kening yang lebih menawan.
-membuat bentuk muka yang tajam dan tegang
-membantu meningkat kan keanjalan kulit

Kulit anda akan lebih anjal , cerah , ayu dan berseri...

-angan sekali kali keluar rumah tanpa memakai sunblock, gunakan spf 50 uva/uvb.
-sebelum tidur pakailah serum untuk muka anda, supaya wajah lebih berseri, cerah, kulit lebih halus, mengurangkan garis halus, mengurangkan kulit yang kusam

salam sayang dan hormat ,
natty mn
aesthetician /beauty trainer

Thursday, May 5, 2011


A feminine color for girls.
Similar to blue, it’s soothing and pleasant to the eyes. Naturally sweet in mood, it has a lasting girly appeal. Girls in pink tend to portrait a very sweet and pleasant look.
A popular color liked by men and women. it brings about a very soothing and relaxed feel, pleasant to the eyes. Naturally refreshing in mood, it’s a good choice for daytime wear.


A popular color in fashion. Light and neutral, it goes well with any color.
Always have some in your wardrobe. It readily matches bottoms of any color; a pair of blue denim jeans, Khakis pants, a gray skirt, a bright colorful sarung and anything goes.
It reflect cleanliness and purity, innocence and gentleness


Strong color in fashion.
Most visible and lively of all colors, it creates attraction and excitement. The wearer naturally portrays an image of excitement, energy, enthusiasm and confidence.

A color commonly use in casual fashion.
fun and sunshine-y mood. The wearer tends to bring about cheeriness to the group. Usually liked by those who embrace changes.The color of sunshine, often associated with joy, liveliness and optimism.


A popular color in fashion, always stylish and never out of trend. You wont go wrong with black .

Have fun with colors and feel free to mix and match your colors clothing . Don’t be shy and be brave when you wear bright colors. Remember you must wear with attitude.

PS: dont forget your color harmony : orange , red, purple, yellow= warm color
:green, blue, violet= cold color

Black and WhitePure black or white never actually occur in nature. Looking at a white flower or black stone, you will see they are always tinged with traces of other colors. In the home, pure white should be avoided, as it reflects too much light and can irritate you. It is best to use slightly off white colors, just as in nature. Black should never be used on large spaces, and should be mixed with undertones to give it warmth.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011



please choose your fragrances according to your personality and occasion.

-parfum :lonfest lasting up to 8 - 10 hours
-Eau de Parfum :6-8 hours
-Eau de toilette :approximately 3-4 hours

spray on the wrist
never inside your palm
do not rub
allow 3-5 minutes to develop before smelling it

fragrance layering : shower gel, soap , body lotion and body cream.....

at pulse point: wrist , the nape, behind ear, elbows, inner knees, inner thights, breast .....

at you armpit, front of the neck and chest

Happy buying your new fragrances....

PS: dont buy beacause your friends smells good on her or you like the packaging, buy because it suit you, YOUR personality...

Monday, May 2, 2011

my profile

A bit about myself...

Natty MN , certified aesthetician and Beauty Instructor. A make up artist and beauty Trainer for the past 10 years, Natty has been actively involved in the industry as a freelancer and in house trainer for few cooperate companies. Natty has conducted many beauty workshop and talks to clients

Natty’s beauty and intelligence always gives an impressive image, the minute she strides into the room. Many describe her as engaging and very entertaining during her talk shows and classes – making her a jewel in this beauty passion.

Her experience ranges from customized classes to public talk shows, always delivering excellent performance in versatility and creativity. Beauty Talk Shows in National Television Channels- TV3 & NTV9 and Stage Beauty Make Over representing many cosmetic Brands, has made her a very much sought after trainer. Her many established clients, just to name a few are Celcom, Malaysian Airlines and Puteri UMNO.

This season trainer is no stranger in beauty pageants. Miss Malaysia Chinatown 2005 were make up by her team, gave her a quantum leap to opportunities beyond her dreams. She has never looked back since. Petite Natty is very passionate in what she does best – Beauty and that’s what she always wanted. Her journey to this success started with her endless beauty courses in makeup, hair, aromatherapy, facial work and aesthetic.

Natty’s strings of Beauty qualifications, coupled with her numerous years of experience, made her a very engaging and professional trainer.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

your goal for healthy skin...

what is your GOAL?

My goal is to have glow, healthy skin . I would love to share with allof you my normal routine pertaining to maintin good skin.

I cleanse my face 3 times a day, facial treatment once a week . (proper with mask, vitamins and serum) Always use sun block SPF40 or 50 with UVA ,UVB. Never fail to use eye cream and serum or essense before you go to bed.


-always use facial sponge (altho your hand n finger is clean)

-use intelligent skincare product (not necessary is expensive or branded)

-sleep early and wake up early in the morning and exercise your face (by smiling)

-never leave home without using sunblock


when you are beautiful you are more confident of yourself regardless at home or at work. Other will pay attention to you more ...

Some people may be jealous of you , but dont bother!

*to take care of yourself and having newborn its not easy, trust me I trully understand but never give up ,never lose hope. Find time when your baby is sleeping. Quickly wear mask and have a nap for 10min.

NEXT TOPIC: quick make over tips for busy mother...

love ,hug and kisses,

natty mn

which one do you choose? i dont want both...

Let get diet , be healthy and happy. Firstly we need to discipline ourself by eating right healthy food and exercise regularly. Let us follow the pyramid diet paleolithic. Please consult you doc or go and see your aesthetician.
Let have body shape like GUITAR.

Monday, March 7, 2011



A well groomed person is a someone who maintains the best possible appearance at all times. When you look good ,you feel more confident and more people will like you.

So ,you need to take care of your skin, teeth, hair, nails, body , feet and mouth.

always remember the 3 basic step, cleanse-toner-moisturiser. Once a week ,pamper youself by using mask, monthly by going to do facial treatment .Use intelligent skincare and if you have budget go for silk peeling, chemical peeling or laser treatment .Please consult your dermatologist or esthetician.

prevent your teeth from tooth decay and tartar, clean teeth afer every meal. Regular check up is essential. Never ever smile with stained teeth.

Nails should be clean at all time, get good manicure and pedicure every 3 months. Apply hand lotion every night before go to bed.

shower twice a day, for those who have body odour please shower more frequent and use deodorant to stop body odour. use frangrances for freshness. Ideally scrub your body twice a week and apply body lotion every night.

to prevent foot odour ,do not wer same shoe every day, wash and chnge your sock dily too. Powder your feet if possible

use mouthwash daily especially if you are smoking and if you deal with people direct, meaning you are a beautician , make up artist, front liner , customer service who talk to people every minutes.

Me and my son Khriz

Khriz is celebrating his 1 year old birthday this coming thursday...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Mask can do miracles, there are so many types of mask in the market . You should choose the right one for you. I love wearing mask and I wear it twice a week.

moisturising masks

these mask ideal for all skin type, its give moisture to your skin. They are soothing particularly after too much sun or when your skin feel tight.

clay /mud masks

good for those who have oily skins. they absorb excess oil,grease and impurities. It will tighten your pores, reduce shine and clear blemishes.

peel off masks

for all skin type, it refresh your skin from tiredness and nourishes the skin

gel masks

suitable for sensitive skins as well for oily skin. It give wonderful cooling effect.

How to make home made masks? If you have dry skin ,please try this...


1 egg yolk

2 big spoon oat

3 big spoon yogurt

1 small spoon honey

and for those with oily skin , please try this


white egg

2 big spoon oat

3 big spoon yogurt

1small spoon lemon (to be squeze)

SUPERB result!!!!! Leave it for 15 - 20min . It suitable for all age from 11age years old and above....SELAMAT MENCUBA

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Beauty is Ageless

No 1 rule: Never leave home without lipsticks and mascara.

These items need to be burn or gotta go:-

-granny necklace

-sweaters with teddy bear,your name and pumpkins


-ripped jeans

-over sized blazer

-mummy robes

-elastis waist pants

-granny under wear

-shoulder pads

hahaha...nanti macam zaman dulu dulu pulak.

If YOU are over 30 years old, please forbidden these items:

-ankle bracelets

-belly necklaces

-body piercing

-mini skirts

-mini dress

-super low jeans


-toe ring

-tube tops ( jatuh nanti...)

-eye shadow must be less than 3 color

Ladies, pls do gv me your comments and do let me know what topic you like to read , relate to beauty plsssss....

Beauty is Ageless

Stand out from the crowd! How to be the most striking and gorgeous this month?

For those who have dark skin tone colors:-

1)avoid blue, purple and pink eye shadow tones colors. Instead used natural color and use frosted white ,gold or yellow as highlight.

2)avoid dark lipstick shades colors. You can look older. No plum, purple color at all. use lip gloss instead. You look sexier with glossy lip gloss.

3)Always use concealer under you eye.

4)Use light orange color as blusher.

*a foundation with sunscreen would add extra advantage to provide adequate sun protection and thus minimize skin aging

*apply two thin coats of mascara on lashes to avoid clumps and use lash comb to brush off clumps .